




已发表研究论文150篇,SCI 收录70篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文45篇,包括Ecology Letters、The ISME Journal和Environmental Science & Technology等权威刊物;申请国家发明专利53件,获授权34件;有关研究被Science等权威刊物正面引用超过1000次。先后获得国家环保部环境保护科学技术一等奖等9项科技奖励;并通过与企业合作,完成了高浓度毒害性有机废水处理工程、有机废气处理工程和水产养殖池塘净化等多项环境污染工程,为保护我国生态环境做出了积极的贡献。






  1. 科技部“创新人才推进计划”中青年科技创新领军人才(2015)

  2. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者(2014)

  3. “广东特支计划”科技创新领军人才(2014)

  4. 国务院政府特殊津贴获得者(自然科学研究类) (2012)

  5. 中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会代表(基层科技工作者)(2012年)

  6. 中国环境科学学会“优秀环保科技工作者”(2014年)

  7. 中国环境科学学会“青年科技奖”获得者(2010年)

  8. 广东省环境科学学会“青年科技奖”获得者(2010年)

  9. 广东青年五四奖章获得者(2005年)


  10. 国家环保部环境保护科学技术一等奖“含氨氮和多环芳烃类毒害性废水的生物处理新技术”,2007年,排名第二;

  11. 广东省科学技术二等奖“水产养殖环境的生物脱毒关键技术及其应用”,2014年,排名第一;

  12. 黑龙江省科学技术二等奖(自然科学类)“微生物催化电解强化水中难降解污染物定向转化及调控机制” 2014年,排名第三;

  13. 广东省科学技术二等奖“生物强化技术治理高浓度氨氮和多环芳烃类毒害性废水”,2008年,排名第二;

  14. 国家环保部环境保护科学技术三等奖“微生物除臭技术与设备”,2013年,排名第二;

  15. 广东专利优秀奖“一种生物除臭方法及其装置”,2011年,排名第四;

  16. 广东专利优秀奖生物强化技术处理油制气废水的方法2007年,排名第四;

  17. 广州市科学技术一等奖“微生物除臭技术及产品研发”,2006年,排名第三;

  18. 广东省科学技术三等奖“生物强化技术在油制气废水处理工程中的应用研究”2003年,排名第四。


  19. 国家优秀青年基金(51422803),污水生物处理,2015.01-2017.12

  20. “广东特支计划”科技创新领军人才(2014TX01Z038),环境污染治理新技术,2015.04-2018.3

  21. 农业部公益性行业科研专项项目(201503108-SC-4),淡水养殖环境毒害性有机污染的微生物综合防治技术,2015.01-2019.12

  22. 广东省自然科学基金重大基础研究培育项目(2014A030308019),微生物厌氧降解转化毒害性污染物的呼吸调控机制,2015.01-2017.12

  23. 广东省应用型科技研发专项资金项目(2015B020235011),淡水渔业面源污染微生物综合防治关键技术及其应用,2016.01-2017.12

  24. 广东省中国科学院全面战略合作专项资金竞争性分配项目(2013B091500081),河流中毒害性有机物和重金属复合污染沉积物的原位修复关键技术,2015.01-2017.12


  1. Liu F., Du J., Song D., Xu M. Y. *, Sun G. P. (2016) A sensitive fluorescent sensor for the detection of endogenous hydroxyl radicals in living cells and bacteria and direct imaging with respect to its ecotoxicity in living zebra fish, Chem. Commun.,52: 4636.

  2. Yang Y. G., Xiang Y. B., Xu M. Y.* (2015) From red to green: the propidium iodide-permeable membrane of Shewanella decolorationis S12 is repairable, Scientific Reports, 5: 18583.

  3. Liu F., Du J., Xu M. Y.*, Sun G. P., A highly sensitive fluorescent sensor for palladium and direct imaging of its ecotoxicity in living model organisms, Chemistry - An Asian Journal, DOI : 10.1002/asia.201500767.

  4. Xu M. Y. *, He Z., Zhang Q., Liu J., Guo J., Sun G. P.,Zhou J. (2015) Responses of aromatic-degrading microbial communities to elevated nitrate in sediments, Environmental Science & Technology, 49: 12422−12431.

  5. Yang Y.G., Xiang Y.B., Sun G.P., Wu W-M, Xu M.Y.* (2015) Electron acceptor-dependent respiratory and physiological stratifications in biofilms. Environmental Science & Technology, 49:196-202.

  6. Yang Y.G., Lu Z.J., Lin X.K., Xia C.Y., Sun G.P., Xu M.Y.* (2015) Enhancing the bioremediation by harvesting electricity from the heavily contaminated sediments, Bioresource Technology, 179: 615-618.

  7. Xu M.Y.*, Zhang Q., Xia C., Zhong Y., Sun G., Guo J., Yuan T., Zhou J., He Z.L.* (2014) Elevated nitrate enriches microbial functional genes for potential bioremediation of complexly contaminated sediments, The ISME Journal, 8:1932-1944.

  8. Yang Y.G.#, Xiang Y.B.#, Xia C.Y., Wu W-M, Sun G.P., Xu M.Y.* (2014)Physiological and electrochemical effects of different electron acceptors on bacterial anode respiration in bioelectrochemical systems, Bioresource Technology, 164: 270-275. (#共同第一作者)

  9. Sun W., Xu M. Y. *, Wu W. M., Guo J., Xia C. Y., Sun G. P., Wang A. J. (2014) Molecular diversity and distribution of anammox community in sediments of the Dongjiang River, a drinking water source of Hong Kong, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 116: 464-476.

  10. Zhu C. J., Sun G. P., Zhao G. P., Zheng H. J., Xu M. Y.* (2014) Complete genome sequence of Lysinibacillus varians GY32, a bacterium with filament-to-rod cell cycle, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 362: 1-3.

  11. Zhu C.J., Sun G.P., Chen X.J., Guo J., Xu M.Y.* (2014) Lysinibacillus varians sp. nov., an endospore-forming bacterium with a filament-to-rod cell cycle, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 64: 3644-3649.

  12. Chen X.J., Chen G., Qiu M., Sun G., Guo J., Xu M.Y.* (2014) Synergistic degradation of deca-BDE by an enrichment culture and zero-valent iron. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21:7856-7862.

  13. Yang Y.G., Sun G.P., Guo J.,Xu M.Y.* (2013) Characterizing the snorkeling respiration and growth of Shewanelladecolorationis S12, Bioresource Technology, 128: 472-478.

  14. Yang Y.G., Xu M.Y.*, He Z.L., Guo J., Sun G.P., Zhou J.Z. (2013) Microbial electricity generation enhances decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) degradation,PLoS ONE, 8: e70686.

  15. Pan T., Ren S.Z., Xu M.Y.*, Sun G.P. , Guo J. (2013)Extractive biodecolorization of triphenylmethane dyes in cloud point system by Aeromonas hydrophila DN322p., Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97: 6051-6055.

  16. Yang Y.G., Xu M.Y.*,Sun G.P., Guo J. (2012) Bacterial extracellular electron transfer in bioelectrochemical systems, Process Biochemistry, 47: 1707-1714.

  17. Xu M.Y.*, Chen X.J., Qiu M.D., Zeng X.W., Xu J., Deng D.Y., Sun G.P., Li X., Guo J. (2012) Bar-coded pyrosequencing reveals the responses of PBDE-degrading microbial communities to electron donor amendments, PLoS ONE, 7: e30439.

  18. Liu Z.H.Huang S.B.Sun G.P.Xu Z.C.Xu M.Y.* (2012) Phylogenetic diversity, composition and distribution of bacterioplankton community in the Dongjiang River, ChinaFEMS Microbiology Ecology, 80: 30-44.

  19. Qiu M.D., Chen X.J., Deng D.Y., Guo J., Sun G.P., Mai B.X., Xu M.Y.* (2012) Effects of electron donors on anaerobic microbial debromination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), Biodegradation, 23: 351-361.

  20. Zhang G.X., Ren S.Z., Xu M.Y., Zeng G.Q., Luo H.D., Chen J.L., Tan Z.Y., Sun G.P. * (2011) Rhizobium borbori sp. nov., an aniline-degrading bacterium isolated from activated sludge, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 61: 816-822.

  21. Yang Y.G., Sun G.P., Guo J., Xu M.Y.* (2011)Differential biofilms characteristics of Shewanella decolorationis microbial fuel cells under open and closed circuit conditions, Bioresource Technology, 102: 7093-7098.

  22. Deng D.Y., Guo J, Sun G, Xu M.Y.* (2011) Aerobic debromination of deca-BDE: Isolation and characterization of an indigenous isolate from a PBDE contaminated sediment, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 65: 465-469.

  23. Chen X.J., Sun G.P., Xu M.Y.*, Role of iron in azor沙巴体育ction by resting cells of Shewanella decolorationis S12 (2011) Journal of Applied Microbiology, 110: 580-586.